As a designer, it’s not often that you get to be a part of something truly innovative and groundbreaking. That’s why we’re so excited to be working with Clarke Valve, inventors of the Shutter Valve™. The Shutter Valve™ is hands down the most important innovation to happen to valves in over 100 years! The Shutter Valve™ is as significant of an advancement to the valve industry as the LED bulb is to the lighting industry. And that’s not an overstatement.
We’ve been working with Clarke Valve for almost 10 years. Our most recent project with them involved a complete rebranding of the company. Every bit of visual communication for Clarke Valve has been redesigned. Logo, website, photography…everything! We’re really pleased with the way everything turned out, and we’re happy to say that the fine folks at Clarke Valve are too.
ClientClarke Industrial EngineeringServicesBranding
Logo Design
Marketing Materials
Art Direction
Web Design & DevelopmentWebsiteclarkevalve.com